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Zuni River Basin Water Rights Adjudication
New Mexico

In the matter of United States vs. A&R Productions, et. al.
Case #01cv00072 MV/LFG

Court Documents, Decisions, Orders, Etc.

Available court documents related to the Zuni River Basin Adjudication, United States. v. A & R Productions, No. 01cv00072 (D.N.M.), are presented below. Please note that the court documents listed below have been obtained directly from the U.S. District Court website ( Information on how to obtain an account which will allow you to access the Court’s online docket directly, may be found in the CM/ECF Administrative Procedures Manual, which may be downloaded from the Court at:

Additional court documents will be added to this list on an ongoing basis. Please check back often.

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File Date Doc. # Size Description
3/3/08 1600 197k MOTION to Withdraw As Counsel of Record for Clark and Ann Sloan by Western New Mexico Water Preservation Association.
3/3/08 1599 198k MOTION to Withdraw As Counsel of Record for Judy Rosenlund by Western New Mexico Water Preservation Association.
3/3/08 1598 196k MOTION to Withdraw As Counsel of Record for Wayne and Mary Radosevich by Western New Mexico Water Preservation Association.
3/3/08 1597 195k MOTION to Withdraw As Counsel of Record for Tony and Frances Polich by Western New Mexico Water Preservation Association.
3/3/08 1596 196k MOTION to Withdraw As Counsel of Record for Pete Nieto by Western New Mexico Water Preservation Association.
3/3/08 1595 196k MOTION to Withdraw As Counsel of Record for Joel Nicoll by Western New Mexico Water Preservation Association.
3/3/08 1594 195k MOTION to Withdraw As Counsel of Record for Eusebio Montoya by Western New Mexico Water Preservation Association.
3/3/08 1593 197k MOTION to Withdraw As Counsel of Record for Charles Mallery by Western New Mexico Water Preservation Association.
3/3/08 1592 197k MOTION to Withdraw As Counsel of Record for Garland P. and Lurlene Lewis by Western New Mexico Water Preservation Association.
3/3/08 1591 196k MOTION to Withdraw As Counsel of Record for David Lang by Western New Mexico Water Preservation Association.
3/3/08 1590 79k MOTION to Withdraw As Counsel of Record for Debra Lakies by Western New Mexico Water Preservation Association.
3/3/08 1589 79k MOTION to Withdraw As Counsel of Record for Melvin and Jackie Heath by Western New Mexico Water Preservation Association.
3/3/08 1588 75k MOTION to Withdraw As Counsel of Record for Bill Harvey by Western New Mexico Water Preservation Association.
3/3/08 1587 79k MOTION to Withdraw As Counsel of Record for June George Mitchell and Sandra Haight by Western New Mexico Water Preservation Association.
3/3/08 1586 79k MOTION to Withdraw As Counsel of Record for Dennis Green by Western New Mexico Water Preservation Association.
3/3/08 1585 79k MOTION to Withdraw As Counsel of Record for Luciano and Alice Garcia by Western New Mexico Water Preservation Association.
3/3/08 1584 78k MOTION to Withdraw As Counsel of Record for James Merrill by Western New Mexico Water Preservation Association.
3/3/08 1583 78k MOTION to Withdraw As Counsel of Record for Lewis and Karen Ligon by Western New Mexico Water Preservation Association.
3/3/08 1582 79k MOTION to Withdraw As Counsel of Record for Bruce and Kay Latham by Western New Mexico Water Preservation Association.
3/3/08 1581 79k MOTION to Withdraw As Counsel of Record for Albert Lambson by Western New Mexico Water Preservation Association.
3/3/08 1580 79k MOTION to Withdraw As Counsel of Record for SW Dist Kiwanis Foundation by Western New Mexico Water Preservation Association.
3/3/08 1579 79k MOTION to Withdraw As Counsel of Record for Ann Henderson by Western New Mexico Water Preservation Association.
3/3/08 1578 79k MOTION to Withdraw As Counsel of Record for Elsie Boyd Hatch by Western New Mexico Water Preservation Association.
3/3/08 1577 79k MOTION to Withdraw As Counsel of Record for Virginia Hansen by Western New Mexico Water Preservation Association.
3/3/08 1576 79k MOTIONto Withdraw As Counsel of Record for Richard Gruda by Western New Mexico Water Preservation Association.
3/3/08 1575 78k MOTION to Withdraw As Counsel of Record for Sandra Gomez by Western New Mexico Water Preservation Association.
3/3/08 1574 79k MOTION to Withdraw As Counsel of Record for Nada Yates by Western New Mexico Water Preservation Association.
3/3/08 1573 79k MOTION to Withdraw As Counsel of Record for Ralph and Patricia White by Western New Mexico Water Preservation Association.
3/3/08 1572 79k MOTION to Withdraw As Counsel of Record for Mary Jane Weir by Western New Mexico Water Preservation Association.
3/3/08 1571 79k MOTION to Withdraw As Counsel of Record for John Welles by Western New Mexico Water Preservation Association.
3/3/08 1570 79k MOTION to Withdraw As Counsel of Record for Jerry and Emily Frazier by Western New Mexico Water Preservation Association.
3/3/08 1569 79k MOTION to Withdraw As Counsel of Record for Ronny and Clair Demaray by Western New Mexico Water Preservation Association.
3/3/08 1568 78k MOTION to Withdraw As Counsel of Record for Glenna Cox by Western New Mexico Water Preservation Association.
3/3/08 1567 79k MOTION to Withdraw As Counsel of Record for Don Cator by Western New Mexico Water Preservation Association.
3/3/08 1566 80k MOTION to Withdraw As Counsel of Record for Rex and Romona Fuller by Western New Mexico Water Preservation Association.
3/3/08 1565 80k MOTION to Withdraw As Counsel of Record for Arden and Irene DenBleyker by Western New Mexico Water Preservation Association.
3/3/08 1564 79k MOTION to Withdraw As Counsel of Record for Kirk and Flora Clawson by Western New Mexico Water Preservation Association.
3/3/08 1563 81k MOTION to Withdraw As Counsel of Record for John Brault by Western New Mexico Water Preservation Association.
3/3/08 1562 82k MOTION to Withdraw As Counsel of Record for Lilith Baker by Western New Mexico Water Preservation Association.
3/3/08 1561 80k MOTION to Withdraw As Counsel of Record for Keith and Linda Clawson by Western New Mexico Water Preservation Association.
3/3/08 1560 80k MOTION to Withdraw As Counsel of Record for Shirley Wilson by Western New Mexico Water Preservation Association.
3/3/08 1559 80k MOTION to Withdraw As Counsel of Record for Grant and Grace Wheatley by Western New Mexico Water Preservation Association.
3/3/08 1558 80k MOTION to Withdraw As Counsel of Record for Claude W. and Dixon M. Wallace by Western New Mexico Water Preservation Association.
3/3/08 1557 80k MOTION to Withdraw As Counsel of Record for Charleen Usrey by Western New Mexico Water Preservation Association.
3/3/08 1556 80k MOTION to Withdraw As Counsel of Record for Jerry and Nelda Tietjen by Western New Mexico Water Preservation Association.
3/3/08 1555 80k MOTION to Withdraw As Counsel of Record for Charles Brady by Western New Mexico Water Preservation Association.
3/3/08 1554 79k MOTION to Withdraw As Counsel of Record for Deward and Gloria Bond by Western New Mexico Water Preservation Association.
3/3/08 1553 78k MOTION to Withdraw As Counsel of Record for Ronald Reed by Western New Mexico Water Preservation Association.
3/3/08 1552 79k MOTION to Withdraw As Counsel of Record for Edward C. and Marjorie Polich by Western New Mexico Water Preservation Association.
3/3/08 1551 80k MOTION to Withdraw As Counsel of Record for David Baca by Western New Mexico Water Preservation Association.

1-25        26-50        51-75        76-100        101-125        126-150        151-175        176-200        201-225        226-250        251-275        276-300        301-325        326-350        351-375        376-400        401-425        426-450        451-475        476-500        501-525        526-550        551-575        576-600        601-625        626-650        651-675        676-700        701-725        726-750        751-775        776-800        801-825        826-850        851-875        876-900        901-925        926-950        951-975        976-1000        1001-1025        1026-1050        1051-1075        1076-1100        1101-1125        1126-1150        1151-1175        1176-1200        1201-1225        1226-1250        1251-1275        1276-1300        1301-1325        1326-1350        1351-1375        1376-1400        1401-1425        1426-1450        1451-1500        1501-1550        1551-1600        1601-1650        1651-1700        1701-1750        1751-1825        1826-1850        1851-1900        1901-1950        1951-2000       

The United States Department of Justice and Bureau of Indian Affairs makes every effort to ensure that all the technical data and information made available to the public through this web site are accurate, timely, and complete. Neither the Department of Justice, the Bureau of Indian Affairs, nor the web site creator, however, assume any legal responsibility for the accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of the information contained on this site. Persons using information from this site for official purposes or other purposes, for which accuracy, timeliness, and completeness are required, are hereby notified that they should first verify the information with the Department of Justice, the Bureau of Indian Affairs, public records, or other primary sources from which the information was obtained.

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